Growing up I experienced physical and emotional bullying at school and domestic violence at home, in my teenage years I vowed to have big muscles so that I could defend myself with. My mental model was that I will be worthy of being noticed and I could stand up for self. This took me to winning a few competitions, namely Mr. Fitness South African. In hindsight this was a coping strategy and defense mechanism but learnt this was extremely difficult to sustain financially and physically, it felt superficial not only in showing muscles but muscles that is not physically capable of functional movement. As an example, my friends offered to do a hike with me, and I could barely climb a hill due to conditioning my body to mostly be effective in isolation
This led me to learning to dedicate my life of seeking true health that will sustain me. This in turn started me on a journey to understand what a healthy body means and my love of assisting others to find their healthiest way to live.
As an exercise enthusiast since the age of 6, I've been fortunate enough to avoid serious injuries for the past 31 years, despite engaging in contact sports like rugby, football, CrossFit games, and even winning a few national bodybuilding and fitness titles. In 2015, I became a qualified sports massage therapist after six years as a personal trainer. Prior to gaining my qualification as a therapist, I was introduced to massage, physiotherapy, and foam rolling while competing in bodybuilding. I was both stunned and excited when I experienced the body's incredible healing ability through applying just the right amount of pressure on the precise trigger point.
Transitioning from a full-time role in the gym to spending nine hours a day sitting in front of a screen at the office, I've embarked on a mission to drastically reduce the alarming statistic that 60% of all 65-year-old individuals in the UK suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. Through the utilization of a unique assessment and intervention tool, individuals will be empowered to experience an immediate impact unlike anything they've encountered before. To be continued...